
160 minutes
Mo 10.06.


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Michael Sheen plays Nye Bevan in a surreal and spectacular journey through the life and legacy of the man who reshaped the British welfare state. A new play by Tim Price. Directed by Rufus Norris

Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan, who ranged from his work in coal mining to fighting for the creation of the National Health Service, is often described as the politician with the greatest impact on the UK without ever having been Prime Minister.

Confronted with death, Aneurin 'Nye' Bevan's deepest memories take him on a startling journey back through his life: from childhood to underground mining, Parliament and battles with Churchill.

This epic Welsh fantasy is written by Tim Price and directed by Rufus Norris (Small Island). It will be recorded live at the National Theatre in London.

English Theatre

Mo 10.06.

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